Of Wonders – New essay released

I’ve just finished writing my last essay. Of Wonders is a creative nonfiction essay on the nature of Reality. Following the exchange between a Mystic and his Pupil, the first of the two short stories invites the reader to contemplate the oneness of the Universe by way of reason. The second attempts to bring about […]
Updated website

I’ve updated the website with my method of self-realization. It’s all in the Attainment section. I also recorded a video explaining it in a more personal way.
And Beyond
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. And Beyond A plan of action Here is a proposed plan of action. We should take some times to write down a detailed description of our worldview as it currently stands. What is the Universe? What is Reality? What […]
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Will Creating a life worth living The Inner Master, in its role as a spiritual guide, is the guardian and revealer of the deepest meaning of our existence. Aristotle advanced the idea that one aspect of perfection is that […]
Inner Master
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Inner Master Finding our life’s purpose Deep within every one of us, buried in the confines of the Unconscious, lays an Inner Master. Ever present, ever watching, our personal spiritual guide waits for us to notice the presence, to […]
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Consciousness Mastering our experience Meditation is the fastest way to true GNOSIS, the personal experience of the divine within. Personal experience is how we know. So reading books isn’t going to take us there; living is. Our personal experience […]
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Psyche Mastering the Unconscious An entire side of the individual lies hidden in the Unconscious depth of the psyche. It is probably bigger and more complex than its conscious counterpart, judging by what psychology has charted so far. That […]
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Mind Mastering our thoughts Any experience gained in the Work is processed by the Mind. A strong and flexible Mind cements those experiences into easily expressible concepts. The worldview so constructed rewrites itself over time. Spiritual attainment, being emancipation […]
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Life A tree thrives on a healthy ground The Work on ourselves starts with our life. Our direct surrounding needs to be in order if we want to undertake the demanding task that is the Great Work. We can’t […]
An Essay on Attainment Be what is lacking in the World. Create a life worth living. Preface Creating a life worth living The sorry state of our world has provoked in most of us, at one point in our life, a deep existential anxiety. In those moments of dread, we intuit that there is something […]