The Light Itself

The Light Itself

Jhana/Samadhi/Gnosis coaching

A peek beyond Reality

There is a state of consciousness that lies beyond the intellect, beyond Reality and beyond the self. In Theravada Buddhism, it is called Jhana. Other traditions such as Tibetan Buddhism or Yoga call it Samadhi. In the west it is often called Gnosis. It is a state of pure being, suspended outside of Space and Time. It is attained through a form of Concentration Meditation. 

For a detailed description of the state, here is a video where Altair shares his personal experience of the Jhana.



For anyone who is interested in attaining the Jhana/Samadhi/Gnosis, Altair makes himself available for coaching sessions. The student will be given a simple Concentration Meditation exercise to practice every day (some other exercises might be given to you based on your difficulties). You will be asked to keep a journal with your impressions and any event that occurred during each session. Whenever you have questions or you want feedback from Altair, you will be able to book a session in exchange for a donation (the amount is left at the discretion of the students; a recommended amount being 50€ per session). Altair will read your journal and share his thought during a video call. The method taught by Altair is that of Pa Auk, from the Temple Forest Theravada Buddhist tradition. The state the method leads to is called Jhana in Theravada Buddhism and it is known as Samadhi in other Buddhist traditions. The state is the same as the Samadhi of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. It is the Gnosis of the Graeco-Roman rites, of Hermeticism and of Gnosticism. It is the Samadhi of Magick tradition such as Aleister Crowley’s. It is the experience of the presence of God of Christian Contemplation. It is the Fanaa of the Sufi. Students from any spiritual background are able to partake in this coaching service as it is designed to be as pragmatic as possible. The students are free to then interpret the results through the lens of their own world view.


Who is this coaching service for? It is for those who practice meditation (from any tradition) and want to reach the Jhana/Samadhi/Gnosis as a step on their journey. It is for those who, on their spiritual quest, want to experience the state for personal growth. It is for those who believe in God and want to experience His presence first hand. It is for those who study Reality and want the privileged perspective this state gives. It is for magicians of any tradition who want to strengthen their Magick or use the state to charge their spells.

If you think this is for you, follow the Concentration Meditation exercise explained down below and write your results in a journal. When you have questions or you want an opinion on your practice, contact Altair at ‘bruno.dharma AT’ to organize a video call (a way to make your donation will be given to you at that moment).

Concentration Meditation Exercise

On keeping a journal