The Light Itself

The Light Itself


Books Books, Essays and more Through his endless search for fullfilment, Altair has consigned his discoveries in books and essays.  The topics range from Theravada Buddhist Meditation, Thelema, Jungian Individuation, Hermeticism, Shamanism and entheogens, The Six Yogas of Naropa, Kuji In, Yoga, Sigil Magic, Magic from Antiquity (Egyptian and Greaco-Roman), Dzogchen, Idealism and Advaita Vedanta philosophy. The Book of Attainment A Method of Self-Realization The Book […]

Jhana Coaching

Jhana/Samadhi/Gnosis coaching A peek beyond Reality There is a state of consciousness that lies beyond the intellect, beyond Reality and beyond the self. In Theravada Buddhism, it is called Jhana. Other traditions such as Tibetan Buddhism or Yoga call it Samadhi. In the west it is often called Gnosis. It is a state of pure […]

Initiation of the Illusory Sand

The Initiation of the Illusory Sand A Transmission of Power There is a kind of Magick that is one of the most powerful in the world, yet one of the simplest. It has existed since as far back as prehistory, yet it has barely survived. It is still here, but as the sand of Time […]

The Sushupti Threshold

The Sushupti Threshold Title: The Sushupti Threshold Artist: Altair Medium: New media, video art Year: 2024 Duration: 2’00” Format: 1920/816 To request a full version of the artwork, please contact the artist, Altair (professional inquiries only).


Staring Title: Staring Artist: Altair Medium: New media, video art Year: 2024 Duration: 2’00” Format: 1920/816 To request a full version of the artwork, please contact the artist, Altair (professional inquiries only).

Phanes Begotten

Phanes Begotten Title: Phanes Begotten Artist: Altair Medium: New media, video art Year: 2024 Duration: 3’23” Format: 1440/1080 To request a full version of the artwork, please contact the artist, Altair (professional inquiries only).

A Place out of Space

A Place out of Space Title: A Place out of Space Artist: Altair Medium: New media, video art Year: 2024 Duration: 2’00” Format: 1920/816 To request a full version of the artwork, please contact the artist, Altair (professional inquiries only).

Venus Fleeting

Venus Fleeting Title: Venus Fleeting Artist: Altair Medium: New media, video art Year: 2024 Duration: 2’13” Format: 1440/1080 To request a full version of the artwork, please contact the artist, Altair (professional inquiries only).




resources Exercises, recommended reading etc exercises and thoughts Various Webpages From The Light Itself YouTube Channel of The Light Itself Breathing exercise Quieting the Mind: Concentration meditation preliminary exercise Attention: practical exercise to dissociate attention from sight. The Basics of Insight: Insight Meditation preliminary exercise On keeping a journal On Time and Space On the […]