The Light Itself

The Light Itself

Mastering the Mind

Resting in the silent Mind Mastering the Mind I have an entire section about meditation but there is one exercise that I want to keep in this section (if you are completely new to meditation, try this preliminary exercise first: Quieting the Mind). As far as I know, it comes from Tibetan Buddhism. The principle […]

Relationship with the Substance

Relationship with the substance Personification Psychonauts often report having the impression that the substance is speaking to them. They see it personified sometimes as an undefined, but clear presence, sometimes as an entity that stands next to them. It really feels like there is someone with you, a teacher or a guide. It can also […]


Dimethyltryptamine DMT Dimethyltryptamine commonly known as DMT is one of the strongest psychedelics available. It is found in many (sometimes unexpected) places in nature, the most commonly used being the root bark of mimosa or acacia trees. It can be taken in many different ways with experiences that vary greatly. There are many ways to […]


Here be dragons Disclaimer A mandatory disclaimer is in order. I cannot in good conscience recommend or encourage you to take psychotropic substances. They can be dangerous to your physical health and to your mental sanity. Some of them are also illegal in most countries.  The purpose of this website is not the entheogens themselves, but […]


How much is too much? Dosage I can’t give you a recommendation for a dosage of any substance. In fact, nobody can. It is based on too many factors including, but not limited to, your body weight, your mental strength, your health, your current Set and Setting, what you’ve eaten or drunk before the take…  […]

What you can Expect

Tasting the sacred fruit What you can Expect We each have our own spiritual practice our own religion. Each of them can benefit from this entheogenic ritual. Any practice involving working alone on your self (meditation, prayer and so on) will benefit greatly from the method. Please note that anything involving social interaction (such as […]

What is an Entheogenic Ritual

The origins of the sacred experience What is an Entheogenic Ritual In its essence, the method I propose is an entheogenic ritual like shamans do. A shamanic entheogenic ritual is simply a ritual in which the shaman takes a psychotropic substance to alter his or her perception and explore a spiritual topic. It can be […]

Set and Setting

taming the wild beast Set and Setting The entheogen will give you a sensory experience that goes outside the boundaries of normal reality. What appears in that journey will be heavily based on the two related concepts of Set and Setting. In order for me to explain the method, I must first talk about them. […]

Entheogenic Ritual

Entheogenic Ritual A practical guide to using psychedelics for spiritual practice. Leveraging the Set and Setting Entheogens Entheogens is the name given to the use of psychedelics in a spiritual context. Psychedelics are a wonderful tool that allows us to deconstruct reality and study it in a way that is impossible otherwise. They are a […]