The Light Itself

The Light Itself

An impression of the World

Studying Reality

There is a type of meditation taught by Buddhism that will be very useful for any psychonaut: Insight Meditation. It is the practice of studying the sensations that constitute reality. Psychedelics alter reality and by doing that they give us an invaluable insight into what reality is, how it is created, where it is coming from. I encourage you to study reality if you want to understand psychedelics. 

Reality is the sum of our perceptions of the world. Those perceptions are sensations i.e. what our senses perceive. The study of sensations is the study of reality. So it follows that insight meditation is an invaluable tool in our entheogenic journey. The Meditation section of this site has plenty of exercises and thought experiments on the study of reality. For Insight meditation specifically, I would recommend The Basics of InsightOnce you are comfortable with that exercise, you can move on to the main Insight Meditation practice.